Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Fuzzy Neighbor

We have a most unusual squirrel in the neighborhood... he (she) is black with a red tail. This furry character makes frequent appearances around my apartment. I've been wanting to catch him (her) on film since I moved in here, and last weekend Kevvy and I finally succeeded -- with the help of the bird feeder in the backyard.

It was oddly endearing watching the squirrel hang from his (her) hind legs and grab seed from the trough to munch on. Even if it did mean less seed for the birds.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Pun intended. ^___^

Kevvy and I got a tent from ebay for our trip West. Today we set it up for the first time. The above photos demonstrate what we ended up with. Kevvy is modelling the first stage of assembly. And I am showing off the finished product, complete with rainfly.

Kevvy's Here! ^_^

Here he is, collapsed on my bed with Claude and Ra. Looks like he's still suffering a little from the jet lag. Isn't he cute when he's sweepy? :D

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Three Words: Weirdest Movie Ever.

That would be how I would sum up the movie "Six-String Samurai"
directed by Lance Mungia and starring Jeffrey Falcon. It's a parody on samurai films, Buddy Holly, Western films, post-apocalyptic films, and a little bit of everything else thrown in. I thought "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" was weird... I thought "Brazil" was pretty unusual. But this film takes the cake!

While I was watching it today, I couldn't decide if I was enjoying it or not. But by the end I decided it was one of my new favorites.

I firmly believe the Writers/Directors must have been on crack while making this film, though.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Fifth Horseman.

"Who's Afwaid of a Widdle Apokowips?"

Uncyclopedia has some great images!

Also: my favorite article of the day is on the new software called Potatochop.

Inspirational Quote of the Day.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

-- Henry Ford.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I submit, for your approval (and if you don't approve -- tough. :P ), two songs that have been playing in my mind today:

1. Wall of Voodoo's Mexican Radio from their 1990 album Call of the West. Here's the video.

2. This one's been on my mind since I was on vacation in Cali. It's The Fray's How to Save a Life, from their 2005 album of the same name. This be the video.