Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cyclamen Plant for Kevvy

This is a picture of the type of plant I owned in college (not the actual plant itself as, alas, I never took any pictures of it), during my feeble attempt at greenthumbery. My beloved cyclamen plant, which I adored greatly for its purple pedals that curl upward as the flowers open. This is its story, and its name has been changed (to protect the innocent) to Herbert.

I wanted so much to be a good plant owner. One day, I thought: "I'll do a good thing for Herbert, and set him in the windowsill to give him some sunshine!" And so I set him in the second story window of the house where I was staying that summer. I left, and when I came home later, the wind had blown poor Herbert off of the windowsill and onto the floor. Half of Herbert was smashed, and try as I did I couldn't revive him. Days later he wilted completely.

I was saddened at the loss of such a dear plant.


iokevins said...


We'll have lots of time to practice gardening together. :)


Dawn said...

Yey! I can't wait!

We will be gardening ninjas!

It will be beautiful, though, having a life together full of flowers. ^_^


iokevins said...

Some info about Cyclamens. Apparently they are not really sold until the spring, when the plant flowers and the weather cools.